From our pastor-

I was born in Guyana, South America where I spent my childhood and part of my teenage years. Our family moved to Ontario, Canada, where we lived for several years. I met my precious wife Deanna at a camp meeting in North Carolina. On April the 30th 1988 Deanna and I were married. God has blessed us with three wonderful children, Wesley, Bethany and Naomi, who have all dedicated their lives to serving our Lord.
Wesley is married to a wonderful Christian young lady, Emily. Bethany is married to a fine Christian young man, Cameron Haltom. As our family continues to grow we look forward to what God has in store. It is with great joy we serve the congregation at Believers Tabernacle here in Murfreesboro, TN.
Pastor’s Ministry History

For several years I served on the church staff as a support minister and evangelist at my local church in Covington, Georgia. In January of 1995, God began to deal with my heart to start a work for His Kingdom. From the early beginning of my ministry, I have been a man who seeks for the mind and will of God. Thus, I travailed in birth pains for many days and sleepless nights in prayer and dedication to know the perfect will of God. In the early spring time of April 1995, one morning in prayer, like Daniel of old, I received a visitation from the Holy Spirit. In His own words: “Go to Athens, Georgia, and start a work for Me as End Time Believers Tabernacle” for short, Believers Tabernacle. Within seconds after prayer, I awoke my wife, Sis. Deanna, inquiring where Athens, Georgia, was located.
The next few months ahead held a long search for a suitable location. On August 8, 1995, an humble store-front building was rented at 1230 Atlanta Highway in Bogart/Athens. I then selected an opening and dedication date of August 22. My family and I, with many volunteers, took on the task to renovate. With many long hours of hard work in exactly three weeks, the old building was ready. On August 22 the first service was held as planned; and the congregation, the building, and the ministry of Believers Tabernacle was dedicated to God. The hand of God was surely extended, for many great and mighty works were wrought there. God began to add to the church; and with no more room to grow, I again began seeking the Lord for direction.
The Church

In 1997, the congregation bought two acres right around the corner from the store-front building at 205 Fowler Mill Road. A new church facility was built; the congregation moved in and dedicated the building in March 1998. Again, many miracles and supernatural events were manifested; and many souls were won there for the Lord.

After having pastored this church for eight years, I received another visitation from the Holy Spirit that the vision for Athens, Georgia, had expired. A new commission was given to continue this ministry as Believers Tabernacle in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. After much prayer and meditation, 98% of the congregation moved in 2002 with me to Murfreesboro.

Since then, the congregation and church staff has more than doubled in size as more families have joined to worship from the local area and from neighboring states. From the humble beginnings of this Holy Ghost ministry, God continues to show Himself mighty and victorious. My dedication and commitment to God and His vision are still the same.